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Sponsor Tills moustache for a good cause

Jonathan Till, of UK based GT Access is participating in a moustache growing competition aimed at raising money for the Orchid Trust, a charity that supports the fight against testicular cancer.

The fund raiser is being organised by the local Round Table with up to 25 members participating.
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The participants in the sponsored moustache growing competition, the centre two had their facial hair removed at the event

A prize will also be awarded for the most ornate lip hair at the end of the competition on March 5th, The countdown began yesterday evening, February 5th with all contestants turning up clean shaven for registration. Progress will be measured each week and Vertikal.Net will report on the progress of the UK’s access industry participant.
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Four of the competitors, Till is second from the left

Testicular cancer largely affects men in between the ages of 18 to 45. It is a cancer that people find hard to talk about due to its delicate nature, it is staggering how many men suffer from what can easily be a fatal

You can support Jonathan Till by going to web page completeing a pledge or sponsorship form.
