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CTE announces new product brands

CTE the Italian based access equipment manufacturer has announced new product brands for its truck mounted lifts, spider lifts and Bizzocchi fire platforms.

The CTE truck mounted models which previously carried the Z prefix will change to ZED, the company’s range of spider lifts, currently marketed with the CS model prefix, will follow the branding already used in the UK of TRACCESS while the Bizzocchi fire line C will become the CTE B-FIRE range.
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The new identity for CTE truck mounted lifts

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The new identity for CTE Spider lifts

The changes add to the rebranding of CTE’s other products late last year, in which Pratika is used for all removal type material lifts -both trailers and truck-mounted and Pianoplan for the company’s stair climber products.
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The new idendity for CTE fire platforms

The new branding sets blue as the dominant colour for every logo, with a standardise format in order to link all of the group’s products, making them easily recognisable as CTE by its dealers and customers.

CTE is based in the Trentino region of Italy and reported revenues for 2008 of €82 million. The group has plans to expand over the next three years by moving into South America, India, China and the Middle-East.
