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Firefighters make dramatic tower crane rescue

Emergency workers in Abu Dhabi made a daring rescue yesterday to save the operator of a tower crane, forced out of his cabin to avoid a fire thought to be caused by an electrical problem.

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The crane operator climbed along the jib to avoid the fire below.

Ashok Kumar, 32, from Punjab, emerged unhurt but shaken after he was forced to climb out of the cabin and stay on the jib for nearly three hours after the fire took hold at around 3.30pm. After his terrifying ordeal and was then reunited with his brother and co-worker, Baru das Chahal, at the roadside below.
Mr Kumar said he noticed the fire only because the wind changed and blew smoke in his direction.

Mr Kumar spoke by mobile phone as he waited anxiously for firemen to put out the flames and reach him as he was buffeted by high winds more than 75 metres off the ground. Three firemen scaled the tower of the crane before walking the length of the jib to reach Kumar. They dressed him in protective clothing and strapped him into a harness before lowering him to the 14th floor.He was taken to an ambulance for a health check and then reunited with his brother.
