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Union flag or St George

We have received a good number of emails regarding the report on the St Georges day HR21 boom lift added to the Elavation rental fleet (April 27th). Click here to see original report pointing out that Elavation ought to have used the English flag of St George rather than the Union Flag on its St Georges boom lift.

For those of you outside of the UK the English flag…. Or flag of St George is a red cross on a white background, while the Union Flag, often called the Union Jack, is a combination of the English flag and the flags of St Andrew of Scotland and St Patrick of Ireland and is the British/UK Flag.

All of the responses applauded Elavation’s initiative and liked the paint job, but noted the inaccuracy. Given Elavation’s location in the heart of England there is no concern of the lift crossing the border. Perhaps the company was hedging its bets to placate Irish, Welsh and Scottish contractors working in the Milton Keynes area?

Barry Brady of Elavation responded: "Just to prevent any confusion!! with a second generation paddy and Spanish owners what do you expect!"

"At least we have started a debate: We are all proud of our heritage, be it Irish, Spanish or Welsh, but we are also proud of our Country of Birth."
