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Thermoil teams up with Nifty

Thermoil Europe the battery preserver and recovery solutions company has extended its distribution network with by concluding distribution agreements with both Nifty Pty of Australia and Nifty S.A. (South Africa) to sell Thermoil De-Sulfater and Thermoil De-Mister products on an exclusive basis in each country.

Tim Ward, managing director of both companies, visited the Thermoil Europe warehouse in Greenfield, North Wales to conclude the agreements and see the first pallet loads of product being prepared for shipment.
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Tim Ward at Thermoil Europe

He said, “After having the chance to test the products and witness the effectiveness of both, I believe Thermoil will be an ideal product for us to offer our customers in the Southern hemisphere especially given the extreme heat and environmental conditions in those countries.”

Martin Davies of Thermoil Europe added: “We are delighted to be able to work with both of the Nifty companies and are sure Tim and his teams will have great success with these unique products.”

Thermoil will be on show at Vertikal Days next week at Haydock Park in the UK, The De-mister product claims to substantially extend the life of the deep cycle batteries fitted to most aerial lifts, whilt the De-Sulfater can restore an almost ruined battery. Click here to see C&A article
