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Harness/lanyard problem results in fatality

A 55 year old man died on Wednesday at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, after he was flung from his boom lift.

The man, Stanley Roberts, fell around 17 metres after something caused his self propelled boom lift to tip backwards, the boom came to rest against the steelwork causing a catapult effect which ejected Roberts from the platform.

He was wearing a harness, as he always did, but state officials say that he had either not attached his lanyard to the anchor point in the platform or not attached it properly.

Roberts wife said that he always used his harness and always “tied himself off” adding that he was critical of those who did not do so, and that the fall must have been due to the harness or lanyard breaking.

Roberts was a steel worker contracted to locally based Harmon Steel which issued a statement of condolence and stressing that Roberts was fully trained in the safe operation of aerial lifts.

Indiana Stadium and Convention Building Authority executive director, John Klipsch said: "This is an unfortunate accident. All the companies that work on these large projects have a strict safety protocol and usually when something like this happens, it's a freak accident."
