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Creative Access

A reader of Verikal.Net spotted a highly creative new access system in use on a private home. Whether it meets any regulations is another issue.

We often see scaffolds that are ‘cobbled together’ but this one most certainly takes the prize, as far as we can see even all the components are original. They are certainly ‘green’ and fully recyclable. Safe though? Fit for purpose? That’s another question.
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You might wonder where this less than sophisticated scaffold was spotted? Deep in the Carribean on a laid back island?

In the backwoods and Bayous of Louisiana?

No it comes to you from Norway, yes the land of sophisticated access equipment.
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Let's take a closer look at that creativity

Our reader says: “We are committed readers of and I would like to submit a "creative" scaffold we noticed today. Pictures attached.“

“We believe the person who has set this up has put a lot of effort into it, but we have our doubts that it is within Norwegian regulations. The person will be offered an Instant scaffold system for health and well being.”
