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Crane stolen by boatmen

A Unic 095 spider crane was stolen last week from a site in east London, the thieves appear to have used a barge for their getaway. The theft occurred on the night of the 14th /15th October, at a site next to Bow Lock/Three Mills Lock, Stratford East London.
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The stolen Unic 095

The crane was at the back of the site, chained to a post and fenced in with two metre locked Heras fencing. There is no vehicle access to the canalside, the site had nighttime security and powerful lighting.
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The crane was parked and chained here

The thieves managed to start the crane, cut its chains, open the fence and tracked it to the side of the canal where it appears to have driven onto a barge (yes they have checked the water). The locks down stream are locked at night, so it seems that the thieves sailed down river to a point where they could being a vehicle onto the tow path and offloaded the crane there.
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The canalside where the crane was loaded

The crane is a Unic 095 Diesel, Serial number 024, if you saw anything or are offered this crane for rent or sale, please contact WPC Christine Noller 538HT,
E Mail: [email protected]
Crime No – CAD 1520-15/10/09
Or the Unic distributor GGR or the Vertikal Press.
