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Crane tips in Basel

An All Terrain crane went over in Basel, Switzerland on Tuesday, while erecting a tower crane, injuring one person.

The accident occurred on the site of a children's hospital where the six axle crane, a Grove GMK, owned by Senn Ag, one of Switzerland’s leading crane rental companies, was erecting or dismantling a large tower crane.
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The upturned crane

The crane appears to have lost control of the tower crane jib causing the crane to tip, the boom struck the top edge of a building causing the boom to buckle. Meanwhile the short heavy duty jib also buckled over the top of the building sending an object, possibly a hook smashing into an apartment window, injuring a woman stood inside.
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The jib buckled and sent something - a hook block?- crashing into the building

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The jib of the tower crane

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The boom buckled in several places

The operator escaped without injuries. The building was evacuated for inspection. The cause of the accident is not yet known, although local reports are suggesting that wind which was gusting over 61kph, may have been a factor.

Vertikal Comment

Senn has a first class safety record over a long period, to the point where it is possible that this is its first accident in what must be almost 50 years in crane rental.

Strong winds would certainly have had a major effect on such a long load, but Senn would normally have been well aware of this and have taken it into consideration. The fact that the crane appears to be operating in a partial counterweight configuration may also have been a factor?

Hopefully we will learn more from the results of the investigation into the accident.
