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The latest Cranes & Access is online

The latest issue of Cranes & Access is now online and available to read or download. This issue includes articles on loader cranes and the new regulations, trailer lifts, outrigger and crawler mats and a review of the new products at this year's SAIE.

It also includes a follow up interview with Martin Ainscough and David Barrass over 10 years since they graced the cover of the first issue of Cranes & Access talking about the best strategy for combining cranes and access equipment within the same business.

In addition we have all of our regular news and features of course.

This is the last issue of the magazine to be mailed in 2009, the next one, December/January will be mailed in mid January and will include a full look back at 2009.

Other features include our annual rental rate guide, a look at truck and van mounted lifts and trends and a look at the crawler crane market.

If you have any contributions for the next issue please send it into our editors as soon as possible. We would of course also appreciate your advertising support. Cranes & Access reaches a worldwide audience, thanks to its growing online readership as well its mailed circulation throughout Europe.

To go directly to the new issue: Click here
We have also uploaded a scan of the original interview with Ainscough and Barrass, from the first issue of Cranes & Access Click here to read it
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The first issue of Cranes&Access May/June 1999
