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Bauma Death Wish

Spotted by another exhibitor: some very make shift access equipment during last week's fair in Munich.

Halfway through the show some adjustments were clearly required on an exhibit but around four metres above the ground. The stand staff appear to have only have a small step ladder for working at height.
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Poor working at height practices at Bauma

The solution? A single pedestal table – duly covered with plastic to avoid damage to is surface – provides a raised platform for the ladder. Two colleagues support it while another looks on.
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A close up of the equipment

Depending on what the man up the ladder was doing, he was in excessive danger IF the two supporters did their job and were strong and quick enough. Although it could easily have ended in tears and is hardly a good example of best practice for others at an event meant to be a shop window of the best equipment and methodology.

Their were a number of incidents at the show including at least one tower crane collision and a platform descent onto an obstacle. As far as we know though, there were no serious accidents this year, an improvement on 2007.
