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New application for truck mount

Campaigners in Sussex rented a 60 metre truck mounted lift to show residents the height of a proposed incinerator chimney.

The lift was rented in from local supplier Facelift and was extended to 60 metres at which point smoke flares were set off to show how emissions from any chimney would travel and disperse.
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The demonstration

The lift was also used by a local TV news reporter to show how rural the site is by filming from a height of 40 metres - one assumes he declined to go all the way?

To see the video news report Click here
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The flares demonstrate emmission dispersal


Always good to see a new application for Access. I can remember quite a few and one of the most unusual was when I was working at Butler's in the eearly 90's :- I was asked by the local Police to help with surveillance of a local Drugs Den in Ruthin North Wales. Afer recommending a Simon S600(62m) machine to stand far away and observe from afar, they settled upon a Simon D40(40 foot, 7.5tonne and strong as an Ox).
What actually happened on the day, only Martin Davies knows, but suffice to say, a Simon D40 didn't have any boom interlocks and was 'free on wheels' if you didn't know what you were doing,(or did, hint!) and the Drug Dealers were successfully rescued from the first floor, together with a good stash of their goods.

Andy Ainsworth

P.S. Connaire! get in touch.

Sep 8, 2011