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A glimpse of Facelift’s open day

UK based access specialist Facelift, held a massive 25th anniversary open day on Saturday, here are a few pictures.
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It was very much a family event

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A popular event was the obstacle course for Nifty HR21 Hybrids trained operators took all-comers around the course.

The event attracted well over 1,000 visitors largely employees and their families and local suppliers. Among the many events was a two stage it’s a knockout competition. In the suppliers section ‘The Skyjackers’ – not all from Skyjack we noted! - were runners up and the top access related team, only loosing out to a team from Kerry London the insurance company.
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The Skyjackers best access related team and runner up overall

Best of all though for them is that they beat the Nifty team into fourth or fifth place. The IPAF team- four men short- came last but certainly won the prize for most effort.
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The supplier teams included Nifty, Skyjack and IPAF

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Giles Council (Rear) and Barry Lewis of IPAF on locked together in the four legged relay.

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Who is this emerging from a ball of bubbles?

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Jean Harrison of IPAF surfaces from a mass of bubbles on one of the games

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Barry Lewis and Jean Harrison of IPAF after the bubble relay

In a smaller evening event a number of presentations were made to those who played significant roles over the past 25 years, including the man who sold facelift's founder, Gordon Leicester his first lift back in 1985.
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Ron Collins -the man from whom Facelift founder Gordon Leicester bought his first lift, a Simon D50 truck mount- receives a 25th anniversary commemoration plaque.

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Gordon Leicester with Ian Gamble the man who organised Facelift’s first rental and who 'showed young Leicester the ropes'.

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Gordon Leicester with Taff Owen the earliest employee still working for the company- not necessarily the longest serving.

A full set of photos of a far better quality than ours have been posted on the Facelift website Click here to take a look
