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CICA appoints new directors

The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) has announced three new appointments to its board of directors, following the Annual General Meeting in Perth on 1st September 2010.

The new directors are Cheryl Woodhart of RMB Engineering, Dean Short of Freo Group and Ray Brenton of Thiess.
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Cheryl Woodhart

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Dean Short

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Ray Brenton

The CICA board of directors now comprises the following directors:
John Gillespie - president
Danny Black - vice President
Malcom Smith
Albert Smith
Stephen Lazenby
Andrew Esquilant
Marcus Ferrari
Nick Morris
Cheryl Woodhart
Dean Short
Jeff Brundell
Ray Brenton

Alan Marshall, CICA’s chief executive officer said: “It is an exciting time with three fresh Directors coming on board, each with many years industry experience and a passion to contribute as part of the team to make a difference. Cheryl, Dean and Ray are well known in the industry due to their expertise and experience plus their active involvement at their respective state association committee level already."

“Considering that the Board welcomed two new Directors last year (Andrew of Esquilant, Morrow and Nick Morris of Alfasi) the Board is pleased to be actively advancing its Strategic Plan aim to progress industry succession planning and introduce fresh input and views to the existing and stable leadership team. This is good for CICA and great for the industry. At CICA we enthusiastically recognise and highly-value the volunteer efforts of the national Board as well as all the state committees. On behalf of the membership I congratulate all of our industry leaders for the time and effort they contribute to representing, promoting and improving the industry”.

“It is also important to note that John Gillespie has been re-elected by the new Board as President, continuing his long-term leadership to the industry, while Danny Black has been re-elected as Vice President,” added Marshall.
