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Ladder Death Wish

Spotted a couple of weeks ago in the UK – a man using four ladders to reach up to six metres.

The man was working on a house in the leafy town of Sutton in Surrey, needing to reach a working height of around six to seven metres he clearly thought the cheapest way was to use a ladder platform.
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Is this the best platform for the job?

Interestingly he has assembled the two ladders with the platform support brackets and then placed the third ladder or ladder platform across the brackets to create his work platform.

The rather than climb up one of the ladders supporting the deck he has used a third – or is that a fourth ladder – probably safer….
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Is this four ladders?

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Let's take a closer look

The problem is that he is now stood on the narrow deck with no guardrail or anything to stop him falling over or stepping off the deck.

It could be argued that he would have been safer just using a ladder? The sad thing is that he was just yards away from a powered access rental yard, who may well have given him a special neighbours rate for a few hours use?
