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Old Snorkel and UpRight manuals

German based access specialist, Power-Lift is making PDF files available for all the old UpRight and Snorkel lifts back to 1970.

Power-Lift , a German dealer for Snorkel/UpRight, says that it has managed to put together all of the Snorkel and UpRight manuals for the past four decades, with the exception of the UpRight Flying Carpets and Tigers.

They are making these available for their customers via a server link. Requests should be sent to [email protected].

Holger Johan, owner of the company said: "Although we do not think that all of our customers still have machines from the seventies in their fleet, it may be difficult to identify and obtain parts for these older units so we are at least able to supply the book as a pdf file"
“As all these books take a lot of Gigabytes Power-Lift GmbH will send out links to their server on request.”
