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Who said you can’t take a 37m boom upstairs?

The challenge to reach sprinklers lights and décor in a high hotel atrium in Berlin might appear difficult enough, thanks to delicate floors, small pedestrian door access and over 30 metres of height.
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The Falcon FS370C passes through a narrow door from the street

However Rental company Zeilinga/BT skylift was presented with this challenge in Berlin with the added difficulty that the atrium was on the second floor!
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Stairs not a problem

The company turned to Danish producer Falck Schmidt for a solution and working with the architects and owner of the new DIFA building, which incorporates the large hotel, a shopping centre and office complex, they developed the Falcon Spider FS370C.
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Onwards and upwards

Mounted on a double articulated crawler chassis fitted with non marking rubber tracks, the 37 metre working height machine can pass through a 1.2 metre by two metre high doorway, thus able to access all areas of the complex at least on the ground floor, but thanks to its unique double tracked chassis the 370C is also able to climb the steep 35 degree stairs in order to reach the second floor where it is used to maintain a large atrium.
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Over the top

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It's a long way down

In addition to its special chassis the machine offers some other features that were considered to be helpful in this project.

• A double jib of 6m (2x3 m) attached to the end of the main boom, provides incredible versatility and reach under, over and past obstacles in the air.
• Falck Schmidt also claim a first with its fully automatic outrigger set up directly from the basket. Yet still allowing outriggers can be individually adjusted
• Self propelled capability, allowing the unit to be driven in the stowed position directly from the basket.
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And so to work

The concept of this machine is also available with additional working height n the form of the FS420C.

Falck Schmidt has already received orders for this model range from companies in France and in Ireland where Height for Hire has purchased units for its specialist access division.
