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No harnesses in Amsterdam

A reader sending us some photos from Amsterdam commented that it seems that while aerial lifts are widely used in the city of Amsterdam few users appear to bother with harnesses or lanyards when operating boom lifts.

In one example taken at night of a large self-propelled boom lift in which are too blurred to publish, she says “After extending all the way up - one of the two men in the basket climbed out to get behind the illuminated letters on the façade - no harness when in the platform and none on the ledge - not strapped onto anything!”
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Putting up Christmas lights.. no harnesses required!

She also spotted two truck mounted lifts putting Christmas decorations up in the street, once again the operators of both units did not bother with harnesses – or cordoning off for that matter.

The 2 vehicle mounts - neither man was wearing a harness - unfortunately by the time i found my camera in my handbag - the 2nd user had come down and got out of his truck!

And finally she sends a photo taken at the same time of boom lift platform with an unusual modification, wondering what it might be for?
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A modified platform - a weather cover frame or overhead protection?

We think it is a frame for a weather cover, without its tarpaulin, although it could also be a roll bar for overhead protection? If anyone knows for sure please let us know. The boom lift is owned by rental company Riwal which told us that that it is not something that they have fitted or approved of and has clearly been added on site by the client.
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Hard to see but one of the two climbs out onto the ledge by the sign
