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10 glorious years

Nicole Engesser our Freiberg based production manager who many of you among our readers and customers will know, is the first ever member of the Vertikal team to achieve 10 years with the company.

Joining the company on the day the Freiburg office was opened, her first job was to help founder Tim Whiteman assemble the Ikea office furniture (No guesses who did most of it). Since then she has helped hold the business together, keeping the rest of us on the ‘straight and narrow’.
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Nicole Engesser

Nicole is the longest serving person in the business just....having three days on senior Kran& Bühne editor Rüdiger Kopf, who joined on December 4th 2000.

She will hate the fact that we have put a picture of her on the web and mentioned this, so for all of you who know her, do send in your congratulations.

Here’s to the next 10 Nicole
