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Lars Petter Godenhielm 1940-2011

We have received the sad and deeply shocking news that Lars-Petter Berndt Leonard (‘Lasse’) Godenhielm, owner of Dino-Lift and ex-president of IPAF, passed away on Tuesday aged 70.

Godenhielm finally lost the battle against a serious illness on Tuesday February 8th. He took part in business activities of Dinolift until the very end, although he stepped down from operational management in mid-January.
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Lars-Petter ‘Lasse’ Godenhielm at the 2009 IPAF Summit and awards ceremony

In the early 1990s Godenhielm was appointed managing director of Bronto Skylift which launched his career in powered access industry. He then acquired the Loimaa based manufacturer of Dino trailer mounted work platforms and began what he later described as the happiest period in his entire career - being an entrepreneur in an expanding business.

He also served as a director of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) for many years and took over as president in 1999. During his two year period he put a great deal of effort into making the Federation a more international association.
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Lars Petter at the controls of a new Dino lift - Bauma 2010

Godenhielm was very happy to see the family-owned company continuing in the family with his two daughters joining Dinolift. The younger Karin took over operational management in January and Eva, a medical doctor, is a member of the Dinolift board.

In the words of his family:
“Lars had a great interest in horsepower, and he never missed an opportunity to discuss fast cars and boats with friends and colleagues. The personnel at Dinolift, long-term customers and cooperative partners respected Lars as a skilful businessman with a great sense of humour. We will never forget him"

Lars leaves behind his wife and two daughters and their families as well as many friends around the world. He will be very sadly missed.

Vertikal Comment

Lars-Petter was a gentleman, quiet yet strong, always reliable and consistent. He cared passionately about the access industry and when he felt people were disabusing it he could get very angry in his quiet polite way.

He was a stickler for things being right, for fair play and strongly against waste and excess. As a long time IPAF council and board member he could never let some seemingly excessive expenditure be approved without at least a question or comment- no matter how small it was – The principle of it was as important to him as the potential waste or extravagance.

He was a strange mix, coming across on the one hand as a puritanical almost Calvinistic person, while on the other hand delighting in particular luxuries and pastimes. Very clearly separating business - where cost control need to be strict - and life which was to be enjoyed.

He was a quiet man but had a wicked sense of humour, when he found something funny – which was often - his eyes would light up and you would see an amazing smile or if something was really funny hear his unique Finnish laugh.

He will be missed by a great many of us


Very sad news indeed. Want to give my condolences to the family. Lars was a great guy. We are loosing too many people from the access industry lately. Are we getting old ?
Bill jansink / Snorkel

Feb 11, 2011