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Its all over for Brown

Crane operator Michael Brown has sadly ended this year’s Ultra race from John O’Groats to Lands End.

The race was ended at 23:51 last night with five miles of the days 61.1 mile leg left to go. Brown had slowed to the point where he would have taken at least two more hours to finish and the rules state that runners need to complete each section by midnight.

Sadly he had completed over 520 miles in nine days and had beaten all the other runners, the last of whom dropped out on day six. Please register to see all images

Brown's pace had slowed by mile 56 last night ending the race

Brown was running in aid of Mobility 4x4 a charity to aid ex-servicemen amputees. Click here to see original report

It is still possible to support him with his super human effort go to .

I am sure you will join us in congratulating Michael Brown for a super human effort while commiserating with him for not making it to the end.
