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Ladder bodge

A reader in the UK has sent is a fine example of what is known as a ‘bodge’ or make do solution for stair access.

Wanting to use his first class step ladder on a relatively steep staircase, the home owner, or his contractor, have used cable ties and wood stilts to create extensions to one set of legs in order to level it up.
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Making do on the stairs

A Death Wish? Well… it is by no means the worst example of a homespun ladder modification that we have seen. In fact if he has used heavy duty cable ties and cut the wood appropriately so that the legs sit on a ridge- it might even be a handy - although certainly ‘bodged’ - solution.

Lest you think we are losing our touch we are in no way commending this as a solution to working on stairs. There are some great products that do that, including a properly engineered set of leg extensions that do exactly what this man has cobbled together on his staircase.

No matter how well it might work it’s definitely a Death Wish.
