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Niftylift wins with school.

Milton Keynes-based UK manufacturer Niftylift and local Denbigh School are both celebrating achievement awards for the sixth consecutive year.

AS level students from Denbigh were awarded the BA Crest Gold Award and the Exscitec Platinum Award for their Engineering Education Scheme (EES) project. The EES allows students to work in-depth with engineering companies and engineers on real industrial problems.
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(L-R) Shameer Omar, Matthew Harrison, Sunil Mistry and Darren Tilley

The project was to design a machine validation rig for use with Niftylift’s self-propelled products to enhance the current Pre-Delivery Inspection process.

The rig was designed to accommodate all wheelbases from HR12 to HR21 and to simulate the operational conditions that the machines are exposed to. The main purpose was to ensure that no issues are present in the machines hydraulic and transmission system and they achieved this by incorporating a rolling road and vibration pads into the design.
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The machine validation rig for Niftylift’s self propelled products

Niftylift has fostered a very productive relationship with Denbigh School since 2005 when it first applied for the BA Crest Gold and Exscitec Platinum awards. It offered it’s “congratulations to the school on its incredible and consistent level of success over the past six years and thanked this year’s students on the hard work and commitment.”
