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Snorkel AB38 for Locamod

French rental company Locamod has taken delivery of three new 38ft Snorkel A38E battery electric self-propelled articulated boom lifts.
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One of Locamod's Snorkel A38E booms

The machines are part of the rental fleet of the parent company, Locamex, which is based in the Paris suburb of La Celle Saint-Cloud. The company has 16 locations across northern France with a rental fleet of 700 aerial lifts.

The Snorkel A38E – previously the UpRight AB38, offers a working height of 13.5 metres yet weighs just 3,850kg. A part of the deal Snorkel trained six Locamod service engineers on the new booms.
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Six Locamod service engineers were trained on the on the A38E

M. Ranieri of Locamod said: "We have chosen the Snorkel A38E because it is one of the best lifts of its type in the market. The performance is excellent, it is a very robust product and it has a very long working life. We believe that our customers will like the A38E because it has zero emissions and can be used both inside and outside buildings."
