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SEV issue product recall

SEV has announced a recall and modifciation to its AL18ST and AL22ST truck mounted units. While very few units have been found with deformed booms the company has calcuated that over stressing can occur under certain circumstances and as a reuslt is proposing a recall and rework programme.

In the interests of public service we publish the recall here.

Issued 25th February 2005
Applicable to models:


Following reports of boom deformation on some of above models last year, a technical bulletin was issued on 18th August 2004 advising users that the booms on their machines should be inspected to determine if similar deformation had occurred. At the time, no other machines were found to exhibit this deformation.

In the intervening period, SEV has undertaken a program of detailed 3D computer simulation and analysis to determine the cause of the deformation. As a result of this research, we have concluded that under certain circumstances, machines could be exposed to sufficient stress to cause the boom sides to deform beyond their elastic limit.

In response to these findings, we initiated a program of re-examining all the above machines to determine if any machines now had signs of deformation.

In the course of these inspections it was found that 2 machines had booms that were outside tolerance and in the interests of safety were removed from service. All other machines inspected were found to be within tolerance.

In the interests of safety, SEV have decided that the boom section on all machines in this series should be modified by fitting a reinforcing plate to the side of the boom. Machines with deformed booms will require a replacement boom section which incorporates the reinforcing plate. This work will carried out free of charge at our Newcastle factory.

As an interim safety measure, until such time as the reinforcing plate can be fitted, SEV is recommending that the outreach of machines is limited to eliminate any possibility of boom deformation occurring. This involves fitting a spacer in the main ram to reduce the outreach on an AL22ST by 1.5m and AL18ST by 1m. This work will be carried out on site and will take no more than 2 working days to complete.


Operators of all affected machines will be contacted and advised of the status of their machines which will fall into one of the following two categories:

Boom deformed beyond tolerance
Machine must be removed from service and returned to the factory for a new boom section to be fitted.

Boom not deformed
Machine can continue to be used but the boom must be fully extended and the area of overlap inspected for any signs of deformation before the machine is used. A date will be arranged for SEV engineers to restrict the machine as described above. Once restricted, no extraordinary inspection will be required.


SEV is allocating production capacity in order to complete the recall program as quickly as possible. Machines that require new booms will be given priority. Operators will be advised as to when their machine can be scheduled for modification.


The contact at SEV in respect of this issue is:
JAN COULTER on direct line 01207 523341 or mobile 07712 883855
