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Valla and JMG settle

The on-going legal battle between Valla cranes and JMG and its owners has now been settled.

Valla took legal action against JMG and its former general manager Maurizio Manzini and his partner in JMG Emilio Berti in April 2010. Stating that it was seeking to protect its business and goodwill in respect of unfair competition.
Click here to see Valla sues JMG
JMG countersued and the legal battle has been progressing slowly ever since, no information has been provided as to what has been agreed, but we believe that there were no substantial financial or product related concessions on either side.

The statement received today says: “Valla S.p.A., JMG Cranes S.r.l., Compart Agri S.r.l., Mr.Emilio Berti and Mr.Maurizio Manzini hereby announce that on the 18th of May, 2012, they have entered into a settlement agreement in order to end all legal actions and suits filed against each other before Rome and Milan Courts as well as before the Board of Arbitrators of Piacenza.”
