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Crane lands on Slumberland

An All Terrain crane overturned in Bloomington, Minnesota yesterday while lifting AC units on to a retail store.

The crane, a five axle Grove belonging to Armstrong Crane & Rigging of New Brighton, Minnesota, was lifting one of the air conditioning units over the rear when it lost its balance. The boom came to rest on the roof of the Slumberland bedding store, but reportedly did little or no damage. No one was hurt or injured in the incident and a recovery crane was quickly on the scene.
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The boom came to rest on a wall, a recovery crane was soon on the scene

The shop was closed to the public until the crane was removed. As to what caused it? It is just about impossible to tell from what we have been sent, but is likely to relate to ground conditions, incorrect load chart for the counterweight or load swinging/moving out of radius.
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A view from the side
