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Socage production issues exaggerated

We have received a letter this morning from Italian aerial lift manufacturer stating that in spite of an earthquake near its production facilities in San Felice, production was never suspended.

It also adds that it has resumed full production this morning at all of its facilities, following some slow-downs over the past seven days.

The letter from chief executive Fiorenzo Flisi is published below in full:

“Socage wants to assure those who have business relations with the company that it never stopped its production.”

“Though the difficulties due to the earthquake in the last weeks that caused moral and material inconveniences to employees and caused slowdowns of seven days of the production in the factory of San Felice, Socage is ready to start again with all its capacities from Monday, June 11.”

“In fact the Company has its headquarters in Sorbara, where the work activities and the production never stopped, and another factory in San Felice that fortunately didn’t suffer from any damage.”

“Socage continues its work, apologising for any inconveniences, and it’s close to those affected by the earthquake.”
