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Historical access shirts

Workplatform, a UK regional Genie dealer, has commissioned a series of historical T-Shirts to celebrate the team's combined 30 years of association with Genie.

The shirts which will feature designs that are said to capture the spirit of the access industry during each decade since the 1960’s, have been designed by Sheffield based Goalsoul, a designer that usually works in the field of football.

The programme will kick off with a number of shirts celebrating the foundation of the powered access industry in the 1960’s, followed another shirt design every quarter representing each decade until the present.
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One of the first three T-Shirts - 'The spirit of 66'

The shirts will be given away with each order the company receives, but also available for purchase.

Jonathan Hull of Workplatform said: “As fans of Goalsoul’s work within the global context of football, Workplatform has utilised their creative methodology to produce and deliver a collection of T-shirts that draw on the historical and cultural aspects that lie within the fabric of the industry, with the aim of appealing to the to the access platform industry and soliciting increased awareness of both the Workplatform brand and the industry as a whole.”

“The first three designs in the collection look at the origins and foundation of the industry in the 1960’s and the cultural backdrop and climate into which Genie was born, these can be seen by visiting Workplatform’s website at:

“This is just the beginning...there’s another 1960’s design scheduled for release in the Autumn, followed by one new design per quarter covering all subsequent decades up to and including the present one.”

Vertikal Comment

This is an interesting idea, the shirts are not your usual industry designs, the one shown above is the most ‘normal’ one of the first three.

The shirts will not appeal to everyone but will have strong appeal to both collectors and to a good cross section of our industry. The 1960’s shirts seem to capture something of the period, it will be interesting to see if the 70s, 80s and 90s will adopt the tone of those times, or if the designs owe more to the age and outlook of the designer?

An interesting concept and an interesting way to celebrate an anniversary.
