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Terex sells Holland Lift

Terex has sold Holland Lift. The deal was officially sealed on January 25, between Terex and Holland Lift’s new owner, Stoneham Equipment Inc of Chicago.

Holland Lift’s sales director, Menno J Koel, told that the change of ownership was decided as from January 1st. “We have been very much involved in the whole process of the sales and it has come as no shock at all” he said. The company is to continue operating from Hoorn and there will be no changes in either staff numbers or management structure as a result of the sale. PMJ Boogert still presides over operations as managing director.

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Holland Lift Q-135DL24-TR

“There will be very few changes as far as customers are concerned”, said Koel, “but we will be placing a lot more emphasis on innovation. This is the way that both Stoneham and Holland Lift want to proceed.”

Stoneham is active worldwide as a producer of agricultural and construction equipment.

Holland Lift’s most recent launch was in November, with its Q-135D124-T crawler scissor lift. It hopes to unveil a new model at the forthcoming Apex show.

See also:

Terex clarifies Holland Lift intentions August 13, 2001.

Terex Haulotte/Terex deal is off June 1, 2001.

Haulotte shows Holland Lift scissor April 3, 2001.
