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Pallet access with a difference

A reader from the Netherlands spotted an unusual method of using pallets as a form of access equipment.

Spotted in Bergen op Zoom, just over the border from Antwerp, a man painting the barge boards on the gable end of a house, clearly had a generous supply of Chep pallets, but no sensible access equipment to hand. So following in a long tradition of using pallets for work at height he stacked one on top of one another in order to gain access the board.

Then needing to work over the top of a smaller building, he concocted a cantilevered stack of pallets, and finally realising that the whole structure was becoming unstable he used planks
placed through cantilever pallet stack around seven metres off the ground.
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Clearly a generous supply of Chep pallets but unfortunately no access equipment to hand

Why people continue to do this sort of extreme ‘bodging’ and risking their lives in markets where all forms of highly efficient, cheap and effective forms of access are readily available is a mystery. If nothing else renting a small platform would save the user the effort of assembling this monstrosity and not to mention the high risk of injury while using it.
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A closer look

Definitely one for our Death Wish series.
