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A Palfinger takes over as chairman

Alexander Doujak has resigned as chairman of Palfinger’s supervisory board, with Hubert Palfinger, deputy chairman since 2008, replacing him. The company has also appointed Hannes Palfinger - his brother - as the new deputy chairman.
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Hubert Palfinger

Doujak has spent the past 18 years with Palfinger, serving in a number of different roles. He began as a management consultant before joining the supervisory board in 2006, he was appointed chairman in 2010.

These moves are seen as the final step in the ongoing generation change on the supervisory board. A statement from Palfinger said: “Doujak was one of Palfinger’s trailblazers, making valuable contributions to the company’s successful development. The supervisory board and the management board sincerely regret his retirement and would like to thank him for his support.”

Hubert Palfinger, 44, has held a seat on the Palfinger board since 2005, and has been deputy chairman since 2008.

The company said: “The fact that Hubert Palfinger has now become chairman of the supervisory board emphasises the clear commitment of the Palfinger family to being the long-term, majority owner, especially in light of the increasing internationalisation of Palfinger and participation of Chinese joint venture partner Sany.”
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Alexander Doujak
