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Effer UK announcement

Effer Spa has announced its new UK dealer.

Effer, one of Italy’s major manufacturers of knuckle boom cranes, has agreed that Bill Green and Rob Gilbert will run Effer UK Ltd.

Both men are well known figures in the crane industry, whilst Gilbert has a well established history with Effer as its most successful distributor of marine cranes.

Effer UK will cover the UK and Ireland from its offices in Maidstone, Kent. The Effer range offers more than 50 models and over 200 types of boom configuration, the largest being the Model 220, a 200 metre tonne crane with a height of 53 metres and radius of 48 metres.

Gilbert and Green are confident of their market. Bill Green’s opinion is that loader cranes are presently underused and undervalued by crane hire companies, and that his company has found a great opportunity. "No one has viewed this market through the eyes of crane salesman before", he told “Instead, the industry tends to project itself as suppliers of loader cranes, not suppliers of knuckle boom cranes."

He adds that the market for small mobile cranes, ie 25 tonnes and below, has been completely taken over by articulating boom cranes.

"We believe there is a great potential demand for cranes of the knuckle boom type from companies who had not even thought of using them before. It's just a matter of education".
