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Time expands in China

Time Versalift is expanding its presence in China through its existing distributor Beijing-based Doubletree Systems, which has signed contracts with two new assembly plants in Beijing and Nanjing.
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Time export manager Per C. Torp (centre) and sales manager for Asian markets Torben Pedersen visited the new partner firm Beijing Beiling Special Automobile last week to view the assembly of Versalift access platforms.

The new contracts are intended to help Doubletree cope with increased demand as the local market for Versalift platforms grows.

Time export manager Per Torp and sales manager for Asian markets Torben Pedersen visited the new partners Nanjing Aerosun and Beijing Beiling Speclal Automobile last week to view the assembly of Versalift access platforms.
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Time Manufacturing at Nanjing Aerosun

“The new partnership will allow us to export more Versalift platforms to China and give the Versalift brand a stronger geographical presence particularly i the southern and central parts of China,” said Torp. "Time has been exporting to China for more than 20 years.”
