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K-Lift order six Spierings

K-Lift the fast growing Manchester based crane hirer, is expanding its fleet of mobile self erecting tower cranes at a rapid pace. The units have proven to be a major hit with the company’s roofing customers.
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The four axle Spierings SK488-AT4

So far three of the units on order have been delivered, with the largest, a six axle 1265-AT6 just delivered. The new unit joins a four axle 488-AT4 and a five axle
SK599-AT5. A second six axle unit is due for delivery in February, with two more later in the year.
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K-Lift's five axle SK599-AT5....

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The six axle SK1265-AT6

The units have been out constantly since delivery, largely working with roofing contractors, feeding one tonne pallets of roofing panels to the roofers. According to Phil Owen of K-Lift as many as 140 a lifts a day are completed on larger jobs, allowing contractors to complete ahead of schedule.
