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Land Rover teams up with Versalift

Land Rover is planning to sell a range of Versalift platforms mounted on its Defender series of vehicles. The compact truck mounts will be supplied by Versalift and will ultimately include insulated Versalift booms suitable for working on live electric cables.

Landrover has long had a collaboration with Priestman and supplied vehicles with 10.5 – 30.5 metre telescopic and 12.5 metre insulated booms. It will continue to offer these but has responded to the demand for 4x4 lightweight access platforms by extending the range with Versalift’s products. Landrover will approve, fit and audit this range and give customers a three year Landrover-approved warranty, Rob Poston of Landrover Special Vehicles told

The first result of the collaboration will be shown at SED, with a Belgian built Skyhigh boom which is sold in the UK by Versalift as the VLR130T. The lightweight 13 metre unit leaves some payload capacity to allow the vehicle to carry tools and some cargo.

Landrover intends to launch the new initiative at the beginning of May and will bulletin all of its customers, although the company does not tend to rely upon big launches. It will be selling the platforms through its Special Vehicles Division. There are 136 Landrover dealers nationwide and all of them will have access to the Priestman and Versalift products. Poston expects the range to be priced between £36,000-£41,000.
