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Riwal team climb for charity

A team from international access and telehandler rental company Riwal has raised €70,000 for a cancer charity climbing Alpe d’Huez

During the Alpe d’HuZes event, each participant climbs the Alpe d’Huez mountain in France up to six times by either walking, running or cycling. A total of 24 Riwal employees participated in the event on June 4th. The team consisted of runners, walkers and cyclists, each aiming to climb the Alpe d’Huez at least once. As a result the Riwal team managed to raise close to €70.000.
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Some of the Riwal Alpe d’HuZes team

Riwal chief executive Norty Turner said: “The initiative to participate in the Alpe d’HuZes reflects the team spirit of Riwal employees, coming together to support a cause we can all rally behind. Practically everyone is affected in some way or another by cancer. I feel very proud for Riwal to have been a part of the event.”
Click here to learn more about the Alpe d’HuZes charity and event
