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Love letters get the heave-ho

When G-Force Steam was given the job to clean graffiti off the cliffs of the Wrekin, in Shropshire England, it turned to EPL Access Ltd to help gain access to the area.
The love messages were located up to 37 metres (122ft) above ground level.
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EPL's Wumag WT450 helps clean the Wrekin, what, we wonder did the offender use?

EPL supplied a Wumag WT450 truck mounted platform with a working height of 45 metres. The job was successfully completed on Wednesday and ‘The Wrekin’ was returned back to its original condition.
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The pressure washer makes quick work of Sheena

The graffiti, which included messages such as Ken loves Vicki and Lee loves Sheena, has been on the cliffs for around 15 years and had become a bit of a landmark in themselves. Not everyone wanted them removed.
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Kens message gets scrubbed too

Liz Etheridge, of Shropshire Wildlife Trust, said: "There are some quite mixed feelings about it going. But on the whole, it is going to be better to have a clean fresh start as we try and encourage people to come here and visit such a fantastic local landmark."
