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EPL managers can decorate too

There was more than a hint of ‘Changing Rooms’ recently, when the senior management team of EPL Access accepted a challenge to ‘makeover’ two rooms on the Victoria Ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The Team was set the challenge of a sponsored ‘freshening up’ the Nurses Staff Room and the Parents/Family Room within a day!

After a brisk 7.30am start and a final frantic push in the last hour, the Team completed the challenge just in time for the Rooms to be ‘officially opened’ by Channel 5 children’s’ TV presenter Kemi Majeks.
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The Family room before

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Family Room after

Through the frenetic efforts of the EPL team on the day and the generous support of suppliers, friends and colleagues, not only was there a stunning transformation of the two rooms, but EPL were also able to present a cheque to the staff on Victoria Ward for £2500.
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Nurses room before

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Nurses room after

In thanking the EPL fir its efforts, Carol Jennings – transplant coordinator on Victoria Ward commented ‘Your magnificent efforts have and will continue to change the hospital experience of every child, family and member of staff on our Unit and we thank you with all our hearts. Your many kindnesses and stunning generosity will live on in our collective memory for many a year.’
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In addition to the make overs £2,500 was left over as a donation
