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Haulotte Purchase Holland Lift rights

Holland Lift has sold the intellectual rights for three of its 1.2 metre wide, narrow scissor lifts to the Haulotte group. The three models, from the N-EL12 range, have 12, 14 and 16.5 metre platform heights, the largest of which is the N165-EL12.

Haulotte will manufacture the Holland Lift products and sell them as part of its own product range, using the Holland Lift model numbers. In the short term Holland Lift will continue to build the three models for its own customers and distributors.

Once the Haulotte production is up and running and had time to settle down, most likely in 12 months, Holland lift will cease its own production and purchase Holland lift versions of these lifts from Haulotte.
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The 16 metre Platfrom height Haulotte N-165EL12 at Intermat

The transfer of the production of these smaller units to Haulotte will free up more Holland Lift production capacity for larger and more specialised units.

Adding to the capacity it will shortly gain from the additional 2,500 Square metres of production space that it is in the process of adding to its Hoorn facility.

A Haulotte/Holland Lift N165-EL12 is already on the Haulotte stand at Intermat which opens on Monday.
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The Haulotte N165-EL12 at Intermat

Vertikal Comment

This is, as the two parties say, a “Win Win” deal, it provides Haulotte with a range of high quality products that cover a market in which it does not currently operate. Holland Lift gain additional production capacity, while raising funds to help develop new models and fund further expansion.

While these high reach, heavy duty narrow scissors are still considered to be niche products, they have considerably higher volume potential than the larger Holland Lift products.

Haulotte should be able to use its high volume purchasing power and manufacturing techniques to reduce the production costs of these models. This will then benefit Holland Lift, and could eventually lead to keener selling prices, which might help increase the volume potential for this type of lift.

We understand that this is a pure licensing deal with absolutely no underlying aims or ambitions on the part of either party as a step towards any kind of acquisition.

The sale of these designs will provide Holland Lift with additional working capital to invest in more new products, Focusing on the larger and more specialised models that only a company of Holland Lifts size and culture can handle efficiently.
