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High kneeler

Spotted yesterday in San Diego, California a man with an inadequate ladder making do as best he can.

The man was cleaning or probably prepping the façade – he is around seven metres or so up and he is trying to reach to almost eight metres?
His ladder is fully extended to around six metres so he has had to climb off the end onto a balcony and then kneeling on the wall reach up to the top.
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Kneeling on the balcony wall and struggling to reach

Its not the worst example we have seen by any stretch, but clearly unsafe and this in a city, a state and a country where aerial lifts are widely available for rent and reasonably priced. Yet development owners/managers like this continue to put employees at risk.

Examples like this show that the aerial work platform market is far from mature and that penetration is probably still languishing in the high 70 percent levels.
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Inadequate equipment is putting this man's life at risk

Definitely one for our Death Wish series.
Have a safe weekend
