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One use for an old crane

Spotted online by one of our readers, a video of an old crawler crane being used for an innovative application. The crane is chained to a old, but very large barge, with the stunts organised under the name Wake Crane by Dominik Gührs, Felix Georgii and Dominik Hernler.

While the use of the crane is purely for ‘fun’ and therefore not essential the crane related risks are relatively low, and no more dangerous than if the person seeking the thrill - or using the crane as a form of training device - used a more regular form of propulsion/power source. We think that while the extreme water boarding is sort of a Death Wish in itself, the use of a crane is actually safer than if a boat had been used. Take a look and see what you think.
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PS: if anyone needed reminding this is a classic case of how fast a boom nose (and hook block) travel if the crane is slewed - even relatively slowly - with the boom at a low angle.
