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Safety for scaffold users near overhead lines

Overhead electricity lines criss-cross our cities, towns and villages; often unnoticed they are essential to provide our everyday power requirements. The lines carry voltages ranging from 230 volts domestic supply up to 400,000 volts.

Each year approximately five people die in the UK alone because they accidentally come into contact with overhead power lines.

In order to help reduce the number of accidents, Energy Networks Association, has produced a series of safety leaflets aimed at sections of the community who are most at risk, the latest leaflet is advice for people who erect or use scaffolding.

Scaffolding conducts electricity and by nature of its function in allowing people to work at heights, means that there can be a danger of making contact with overhead lines. Much of the advice is common sense: “Look out and Look Up”, before erecting scaffolding; carry poles horizontally, not vertically; “add a power line safety check box to your quote pads and working instructions”.
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The safety information for scaffolders leaflet

The leaflet also gives advice on what to do in an emergency and remember you do not have to come into contact with the lines to get a shock; electricity can jump gaps.

The leaflet is available on the Public Safety section of the Safety, Health and Environment page of the Energy Networks Association website at
