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Man arrested on crane

Donald E. Fisher (42) of Seattle thought that he would get a great view of a firework display in Elliot Bay fro the top of a tower crane. So on Tuesday afternoon he climbed into place on the very tip of the cranes jib.
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Donald Fisher in place ready for the fireworks

Police and Ambulance were called to the scene as spectators watched from the rooftops of their high-rise apartments. The crane rocked slightly as Fisher walked back and forth on it in a relaxed manner, at times hands-free.

He proceeded to the tip of the cranes jib, where people thought he was going to jump, but instead he just waved an American flag.

A rescue team with harnesses was sent up the crane to persuade Fisher to climb down. He hesitated at first, but after an hour of negotiating, he shook the hands of rescue team members and was lowered in a harness.

Medics gave the crane climber a quick check over and a glass of water, after which he was arrested, and charged with malicious mischief.
