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New chairman for Ladder Association

The UK Ladder Association has appointed Paul Bruton of WernerCo as chairman, taking over from Martin Brookes of Bratts Ladders who has served a three year term.

Bruton joined what was then Youngman from school in 1974, and remained with the company when it was acquired by WernerCo in 2014 - he is currently business development director. He says he aims to promote the safe use of ladders on site and focus on ensuring safety is a priority for manufacturers, such as by promoting the association’s ‘Get a Grip on Ladder Safety’ campaign, which aims to highlight issues faced within various sectors.
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Paul Bruton

Bruton said: “My entire career has been spent in the ladder industry as I started out within the family business so I’m pleased to be taking on the reigns of the Ladder Association. I am honoured to be taking over the role from Martin who has worked incredibly hard and with such passion to support members in shaping the industry.”

“Over the next three years, my hope is that I provide the support required to continue the growth of the association. Safety within the industry is a huge priority. Training, advocacy and giving a voice to our members is what being a part of the association is all about, and I’m committed to promoting that vision.”
