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From Bond to cranes

When preparing to make the latest Bond film, Casino Royale, the producers contacted its long term crane supplier, Lee Lifting along with Essex based City Lifting to provide a mobile and two tower cranes to head off on location to the Bahamas.
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The two City Lifting Comansas form a backdrop to a number of the stunts

The two tower cranes, which were built with a height difference of three metres, provided the back drop to a series of stunts, including a classic Bond fight along the cranes Jib and a leap into the sea.
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Where are the HSE/Osha inspectors?

The contract lasted almost five months with two City Lifting drivers, Scott White and Jimmy Randall being selected for the plum assignment.

City lifting provided two Comansa LC5211 flat top cranes for the job. While Lee lifting sent its 100 tonne Grove GMK5100 to erect the tower cranes and carry out other lifting duties.
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Scott White (L) and Jimmy Randall - tower crane drivers with makeup

The two young city lifting drivers were required to ‘black up’ each day, as the scene in which their cranes appeared is meant to be in Madagascar.
