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Cramo confirms executive VP

Cramo has confirmed Hartwig Finger as executive vice president for central Europe on a permanent basis.

Finger took over the role on an interim basis in June, following the departure of Dirk Schlitzkus. He reports to chief executive Leif Gustafsson - See management changes at Cramo. He joins the company from management consultants the Dwyer group where he has been president continental Europe at for the past three years, He has also run his own consulting business - Regnif Consulting since 2012.
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Hartwig Finger

Gustafsson said: “I am very pleased to welcome Hartwig Finger to the management of the Cramo group. Hartwig Finger has already played an important role in the development of our business in central Europe during his short time in our company. He is a dedicated executive focused on improving our offerings and creating true customer value.”
