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Danielle Ribiere/Fabry

Many veterans of the French crane industry will know Danielle Ribiere, a director and financial controller of Stime Manutention the Paris based crane and lift distributor in the 1970’s and 80’s.

We are sorry to say that she died today after being diognosed with cancer on August 20th this year.

Danielle was always very chic, full of life highly intelligent, witty, intellectual yet very down to earth and never dull. She was one of those people who liven up the world. She will be missed.

Ribiere was married to André Fabry the crane division manager at Stime, which at one time was market leader in France with the Grove crane account.

A memorial ceremony will be held at the Church of Chevry, in the place du marché, GIF sur YVETTE at 10 :30 on Wednesday November 29th. As was traditional with Danielle, a drink and a buffet will be held at Le Country Club 200 metres from the church.,

She will be laid to rest at the cemetery de L’Horme (42) on the following day Thursday 30th novembre at 3 :00pm.
A viewing will be held for those wishing to pay their last respects in person at her house, by appointment with André. If you have lost his details we have them on file.
