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JLG goes private next week

JLG has filed the paperwork that will take its shares off of the open market next Friday December 8th, assuming shareholders approve the Oshkosh acquisition at Monday’s extraordinary general meeting.

The de-listing will put an end to 31 years of the public trading of JLG’s stock. The company launched its Initial Public Offering in 1978 – 28 years ago. The shares were though traded openly from 1975 on the Waynesboro Curb, a street market for the stocks of local companies. Both JLG and Grove used the 'curb', literally the pavement outside a local bank, to sell shares publicly.

If all goes according to plan, as inevitably it will, JLG will become the fourth business sector of Oshkosh Truck Corporation on Wednesday December 6th when the acquisition transaction formally closes.
See Oshkosh buys JLG
