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JLG wins army contract

JLG has been awarded a further $23.7 million contract by the US Army for the refurbishment of the All-Terrain Lifter Army System (“ATLAS”), a five ton 6.5 metre telehandler and its predecessor, the SkyTrak Model 6000M, the predecessor to the ATLAS product.
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The ATLAS telehandler used by the US Army

JLG has already been contracted to refurbished over 450 machines for the US Army since August 2004, clocking up around $51 million of revenue. The new contract is a continuation of that work and will take approximately 12 months.

“This new contract builds upon the partnership between the U.S. Army and JLG and reflects the trust and confidence they have in our company and our programs,”

said David Peacock, JLG’s vice president of government products and programmes.

“JLG has refurbished more than 450 vehicles for the U.S. Army. We are proud to support the U.S. military and look forward to
continuing this relationship in the years ahead.”

See JLG wins ATLAS contract
JLG joins military
